Don't Worry, Be Happy
If I'm forced to drink musky wine, so be it;
For the taste of fasting and hypocrisy is certainly not sweet.
Even if everyone in all God's creation forbids me love,
I'll do whatever my Beloved wishes, whatever that may be.
Don't worry, be happy for Hafiz; for it is the nature of God
To pardon sin and for lovers to forgive.
He who sits in the center of the Sufi's circle
Sits in hope that his sitting will gain blessings from the Beloved.
To those of you whom God has given beauty and fortune,
What else do you think you need?
With clean air, beautiful scenery, and good wine,
All that's needed for perfection is a joyous heart.
It's true that the bride-of-the-world is beautiful, but be careful,
Because no one will ever tie this beauty's feet.
The earth will never be without flowers and trees,
For as one dies, another comes to take its place.
0 beggar, don't ask me what you should do: look inside.
This mirror will tell you all you need to know,
To the moon-eyed girl, I said: "Come on, give us a little kiss.
Your sweet lips will save me from a broken heart."
She only laughed: "Hafiz, I am not afraid of your kiss,
But turn your lips instead to the face of the Beloved!"
~ Hafiz
From: 'Drunk on the Wine of the Beloved'
Translation by: Thomas Rain Crowe